Monday, November 5, 2012

Expedition Africa Update: The Kalahari Takes Its Toll

So what exactly do your feet look like after running an ultra-marathon every day for five days through the heat of the Kalahari Desert? We found out today on the Expedition Africa website, where a photo was posted that gives us a graphic indication of just how brutal the conditions there can be on the human body.

Last week I reported on the launch of the expedition, which is the latest undertaking from the impossible2Possible crew. They traveled to Botswana with a group of youth ambassadors who have divided into two teams who are running more than 400km (228 miles) across the arid African landscapes. Part of the team spent the first four days running the first leg of the journey, while the other team provided support. Now that they've moved into the second leg of the expedition, the teams have switched roles. But they're finding no matter which role they are playing, this is one adventure that will test them at every turn.

As with all i2P expeditions, this one is a mix of both education and adventure. The youth ambassadors have been interacting with classrooms back home, reaching out to students of a variety of ages to educate them on the importance of water to the survival of everything on the planet. They've also learned how plants survive in the Kalahari with so little water and they've been fortunate enough to meet members of the famous Bushman tribes that inhabit the region. The Bushman are legendary for their survival skills, having adapted their way of life to meet the demands of the desert.

So, what exactly is a day on the trail like for the young people running across Botswana? Take a look at the video below, which was captured on Day 3, when the team completed a mere 43.3 km (26.9 miles). This is most definitely not your typical marathon. For further updates, be sure to follow i2P on Twitter and Facebook.

Day 3 - 43.3 KM from GOi2P on Vimeo.

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