Friday, January 3, 2014

The Adventure Blog Facebook Page Launched

A quick announcement that is probably long over due considering how prevalent social media has become in our lives these days. I've just launched a new fan page on Facebook for the Adventure Blog and would like to encourage anyone who wants to follow my blog through FB to "Like" it. It should provide a direct feed of all of the content that publish here, plus other stuff as well. For those who don't get my daily updates in their email or don't always have time to drop by here directly, this could be a good option for staying current on what is going on in the world of adventure at the moment.

I've added this option for a couple of reasons. First, for the past few years I've been encouraging readers to become "friends" on Facebook as I always enjoy hearing from everyone and my blog stories always fed directly into my feed there. But recently that hasn't been the case and most of posts were not showing up on Facebook any longer. I've read that FB is doing some things to curate items that are automatically sent to the feed, and while my Twitter updates continued to go to the site as expected, anything directly from my blog was lost in the ether. Creating this page has seemed to have solved that problem.  For the record, my Twitter feed still gets all the updates and more as well.

The second reason for making the change is that I'll also be whittling down  my friends list on Facebook. I have far too many people that I don't know on there and it has kept me from sharing things with my friends and family for the simple reason that I didn't want to post some things for the entire world to see. So, over the course of the next week or two, I'll shortening up that list to make it more manageable as well. If you get "unfriended" it isn't personal. I promise! But to those who I actually know, and have met, or I'm on a first name basis, never fear. You'll remain on my friends list.

So, if you'd like to start (or continue!) getting the Adventure Blog in your feed on Facebook, please drop by the new page and "Like" it. I'd be very appreciative and it'll be an efficient way to continue to get the content I produce here. Thanks to everyone for dropping by my little corner of the Internet. Your kind words and shared love of adventure make this blog a labor of love.

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